Dedicated to serving farmers in Santa Barbara County
What Farm Bureau is Doing For You
Knowledge empowers our agricultural industry whether it is in our classrooms, in meetings and training's, at the county fair or saluting our veterans.
As farmers and ranchers it is imperative to stay informed and engaged.
Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau is working hard to represent and protect the farming and ranching way of life.
Here’s what YOUR County Farm Bureau is doing on your behalf:
4-H Exhibit Day
4-H Senior Awards
Ag Pass Program
AHC-SBCFB Young Farmers & Ranchers
Blue Jacket Bonanza
Celebrate Harvest Event
Century Farm & Ranch Program
College Scholarships
Elementary School Ag Days
FFA Leadership Scholarships
I Am Ag Photo Contest
Oak Tree Education Regeneration Program
Quiz Jam
Santa Barbara County Veteran Stand Down
SBCFB-GAATE Foundations Teacher Hall of Fame
Spray Safe
Letters from Farm Bureau: Written on YOUR Behalf
Here you can see what Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau has been doing for you by giving you the opportunity to see the letters we write to fight for Ag: