Dedicated to serving farmers in Santa Barbara County
Blue Jacket Bonanza
This innovative program helps promote agricultural career exploration, empowers young people to be accountable, encourages and stimulates interest in the agricultural industry, and makes a positive difference in the lives of deserving students who may not be able to afford an FFA Blue Jacket.
Century Farm & Ranch
Tradition and heritage play a big part in making agriculture such an attractive way of life for so many Californians. The lifeblood of our existence, the farms and ranches in California, provide food, fuel and fiber for the world. The history of these farms and ranches is rich, with many stories to tell. In that spirit, Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau is launching the 2020 program to honor those family farms that have passed down this heritage for more than a century.
College Scholarships
The Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau’s G.A.A.T.E. Scholarship Program was organized to give financial aid to students with a desire to pursue a career in the agricultural industry. The scholarships are awarded annually based upon academic achievement, career goals, extracurricular activities, determination, leadership skills, and a commitment to study agriculture. There can be up to three scholarships awarded each year: one for $1000, one for $500, and one for $250.
FFA Conference Scholarships
The Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau (SBCFB) will award conference scholarships each year for Made For Excellence (MFE), Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA), Sacramento Leadership Experience, the California State FFA Leadership Conference, California State Delegate to the National FFA Convention and National FFA's Washington Leadership Academy, and the National FFA Convention. This financial assistance would also be available to the Sectional FFA Officers and one Advisor at a registration fee of $50.00 each to attend the Sectional Officer Leadership Conference.
Oak Tree Regeneration
The Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau’s Oak Tree Education Program is designed around educating county residents of all ages about the importance of the oak population in our area. To do this, we visit local high schools and grade schools to talk about the oaks and plant seedlings with the students. This program is in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Agriculture Commissioner’s Office and their Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Program.
Young Farmers & Ranchers
Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers are active agriculturists like you … between the ages of 18 and 35 and involved in production, banking, business, and many other areas of the industry. Young Farmers and Ranchers develop leadership skills while volunteering time as active, vital members of the county Farm Bureaus.