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Dedicated to serving farmers in Santa Barbara County
About the Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau
The Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau strives to meet the needs of its 500 dues paying members by working with elected officials, government agencies, educators, the public and the media. A membership in the Farm Bureau reaches well beyond the boundaries of the county. At the state level the California Farm Bureau Federation represents the interest of Farm Bureau members while the American Farm Bureau Federation covers the national scene. In California there are 53 county Farm Bureaus representing over 32,000 members. Nationally, Farm Bureau membership exceeds 6,000,000.
The work of the Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau can only be effective; however, if there is a strong membership to back its efforts. We need your help to guarantee that the work will continue.
Mission Statement: "The mission of Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau is to represent and promote agriculture in Santa Barbara County."
What is Farm Bureau?
An independent, non-governmental, voluntary membership organization.​
A non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the interests of agriculture. ​
A member of California Farm Bureau Federation.
What We Believe
America's unparalleled progress is based on the freedom and dignity of the individual, sustained by basic moral and religious concepts.
Economic progress, cultural advancement, ethical and religious principles flourish best where people are free responsible individuals.
Individual freedom and opportunity must not be sacrificed in a quest for guaranteed "security".
In government by legislative and constitutional law, impartially administered, without special privilege.
In the representative form of government as provided in our Constitution and in limitations on government power.
In maintenance of equal opportunity.
In the right of each individual to freedom of worship and in freedom of speech, press, and peaceful assembly.
That individuals have a moral responsibility to help preserve freedom for future generations by participating in public affairs and by helping to elect candidates who share their fundamental beliefs and principles.
That people have the right and the responsibility to speak for themselves individually or through organizations of their choice without coercion or government intervention.
Invest or spend; and to convey his property to heirs. In the right of every person to choose an occupation; to be rewarded according to his contribution to society; to save,
That legislation and regulations favorable to all sectors of agriculture should be aggressively developed in cooperation with allied groups possessing common goals.
Property rights are among the human rights essential to the preservation of individual freedom.